Kate Osmaston
BWRT® Advanced Practitioner (Registered MIBWRT)
As a BWRT® Advanced Practitioner and Member of the Institute of BrainWorking Recursive Therapy®, working both online and face to face with clients, I provide confidential and private help for all manner of psychological problems.
BrainWorking Recursive Therapy (BWRT®) is a logical, non-hypnosis process that works by replacing unhelpful, destructive thoughts and feelings with the thoughts and feelings that you the client, would rather have. Client focused and down to earth, BWRT® enables you to change the stressors in your life so they can no longer impact you. The vast majority of problems can be resolved in only a few sessions and won’t ever return.
From what can seem like minor irritations such as the sound of people eating, to life restricting conditions such as competition anxiety, stress, smoking, loss of confidence, panic attacks, insomnia, grief, social media addiction, claustrophobia, social phobias and more, BWRT treats conditions without the need for months or years of ongoing therapy or coping strategies to prevent recidivism. It also doesn’t need the client to disclose anything that they’d rather keep private.
In line with current thinking about neuroscience – that decisions are made about how you should feel, not in the thinking part of the brain, but in the reptilian complex – BWRT® was developed by the internationally respected and renowned Terence Watts, Principal of the UK’s prestigious Essex Institute of Clinical Hypnoanalysis and Chairman of the APHP & NRPC.
Every and any anxiety can be addressed so you can live your life without unnecessary restrictions. You no longer have to be trapped by your unwanted thoughts and feelings.
For an initial, no charge chat to find out how I can help you, please get in touch.
[email protected]