The bio-resonance clinic

Having tried all kinds of complimentary and adjunctive therapies, we trained on bio-resonance following our own journeys to recovery and good health. While it’s a hugely popular therapy in many parts of the world – with several small scale studies now emerging – it remains largely unknown here in the UK.

So let’s start with a little explainer:

Bio-resonance works to the scientific principle that our bodies produce 1000’s of electromagnetic frequencies. Years ago it was discovered that everything (from viruses to bacteria) has its own unique frequency, resonating at different wave lengths according to the state of our health. 

A bio-resonance device not only measures these wave lengths but identifies what’s out of sync, gently stimulating the body back into balance. 

We see all kinds of people with issues from chronic fatigue and Lymes disease through to insomnia and auto-immune disorders (the device tests for around 9,000 frequencies). Some come to us ‘in crisis’; others use the device as a way of managing their health.

Using the latest, cutting-edge technology, each treatment offers a highly individualised snapshot of where your body is today, and where any risks may be tomorrow.

Treatments are fully clothed, totally non-invasive and generally take 1.5-2 hours. You can either sit up or lie down (many report that a session is deeply relaxing). 

£100 per session.

SPECIAL OFFER £75 per session for your first x2 sessions at Jordans Courtyard. 

Find out more 

To book, WhatsApp or call: 07734 773 481